Oct 24, 2009

من ضمن الحقايق

لا تجبر الإنسان ولا تخيره

يكفيه ما فيه من عقل بيحيره

اللي انهارده بيطلبه ويشتهيه

هو اللي بكره هيشتهي يغيره


قالها كدا صلاح جاهين

Oct 20, 2009

Unique Flower Story

Once Upon a Time, I saw a flower
It was the most beautiful flower any one could ever see
I falled in love with it from the first look
I had tried to be the perfect, just to make it feel comfortable with me
I tried to do my best, just to take care of it as much as I could
Seeing it…meant all the happiness for me
Being with it, Was all I want from the world
I prayed a lot to save it beautiful as it is, for me
I asked god to protect it, and keep it always well
Because of loving it, I forgot, it doesn't matter how much you want something badly with you..
What ever you want, God will make the best ..
i didn't realize then that,Day will come and we won't be with each other more ..what ever how much I hoped that from my deep heart.
The day came
And now all I know that we became so far from each other
and the most important, that I know we will never be back togather once again
I just want to say now that 'in the old centuries,I really loved you'
'Truly loved you my EX sweet flower' even i became no longer missing you...